Runtime options¶
Common Options¶
The Navier-Stokes HONEE app is controlled via command-line options. The following options are common among all problem types:
Option |
Description |
Default value |
CEED resource specifier |
Problem to solve ( |
Use implicit time integrator formulation |
Polynomial degree of tensor product basis (must be >= 1) |
Number of extra quadrature points |
Number of timesteps between statistics collection |
Sets the PetscViewer for the statistics file writing, such as |
Number of timesteps between statistics file writing ( |
Number of frames written per CGNS file if the CGNS file name includes a format specifier ( |
Viewer for the force on each no-slip wall, e.g., |
Viewer for the total kinetic energy in the domain and other terms, e.g., |
Number of timesteps between calculating and printing the total kinetic energy |
Viewer for the min/max CFL in the domain e.g., |
Number of timesteps between calculating and printing the min/max CFL |
Number of time steps between checking the solution for Nans. Negative interval indicates it will not run. |
Wall clock duration of simulation before it should be stopped. Acceptable formats are |
Approximate time required to exit simulation cleanly (write checkpoints, etc.) |
Number of time steps between checking whether simulation should stop based on |
Transform the mesh, usually for an initial box mesh. |
View PETSc |
View PETSc performance log |
View comprehensive information about run-time options |
Run in test mode and specify whether solution ( |
Test absolute tolerance |
Test filename |
Print KSP residual summary information after each |
View mass KSP once before |
File I/O Options¶
Option |
Description |
Default value |
Filename of mesh file to load in |
PETSc output format, such as |
Number of time steps between visualization output frames. |
Number of frames written per CGNS file if the CGNS file name includes a format specifier ( |
Number of steps between writing binary checkpoints. |
Checkpoints include VTK ( |
Use regular refinement for VTK visualization |
Output directory for binary checkpoints and VTK files (if enabled). |
Whether to add step numbers to output binary files |
Path to file from which to continue from. Either binary file or CGNS |
Note that to use -continue_filename
with CGNS files, the same file must be used with -dm_plex_filename
and -dm_plex_cgns_parallel
Boundary conditions¶
Option |
Description |
Use wall boundary conditions on this list of faces |
An array of constrained component numbers for wall BCs |
Use weak slip boundary condition on this list of faces |
Use symmetry boundary conditions, for the x component, on this list of faces |
Use symmetry boundary conditions, for the y component, on this list of faces |
Use symmetry boundary conditions, for the z component, on this list of faces |
Use inflow boundary conditions on this list of faces |
Use outflow boundary conditions on this list of faces |
Use freestream boundary conditions on this list of faces |
For the case of a square/cubic mesh, the list of face indices to be used with -bc_wall
, bc_inflow
, bc_outflow
, bc_freestream
and/or -bc_symmetry_x
, -bc_symmetry_y
, and -bc_symmetry_z
PETSc Face Name |
Cartesian direction |
Face ID |
faceMarkerBottom |
-z |
1 |
faceMarkerRight |
+x |
2 |
faceMarkerTop |
+z |
3 |
faceMarkerLeft |
-x |
4 |
PETSc Face Name |
Cartesian direction |
Face ID |
faceMarkerBottom |
-z |
1 |
faceMarkerTop |
+z |
2 |
faceMarkerFront |
-y |
3 |
faceMarkerBack |
+y |
4 |
faceMarkerRight |
+x |
5 |
faceMarkerLeft |
-x |
6 |
Boundary conditions for compressible viscous flows are notoriously tricky. Here we offer some recommendations.
If in a region where the flow velocity is known (e.g., away from viscous walls), use bc_freestream
, which solves a Riemann problem and can handle inflow and outflow (simultaneously and dynamically).
It is stable and the least reflective boundary condition for acoustics.
If near a viscous wall, you may want a specified inflow profile.
Use bc_inflow
and see Blasius boundary layer and discussion of synthetic turbulence generation for ways to analytically generate developed inflow profiles.
These conditions may be either weak or strong, with the latter specifying velocity and temperature as essential boundary conditions and evaluating a boundary integral for the mass flux.
The strong approach gives sharper resolution of velocity structures.
We have described the primitive variable formulation here; the conservative variants are similar, but not equivalent.
If you know the complete exterior state, bc_freestream
is the least reflective boundary condition, but is disruptive to viscous flow structures.
If thermal anomalies must exit the domain, the Riemann solver must resolve the contact wave to avoid reflections.
The default Riemann solver, HLLC, is sufficient in this regard while the simpler HLL converts thermal structures exiting the domain into grid-scale reflecting acoustics.
If acoustic reflections are not a concern and/or the flow is impacted by walls or interior structures that you wish to resolve to near the boundary, choose bc_outflow
. This condition (with default outflow_type: riemann
) is stable for both inflow and outflow, so can be used in areas that have recirculation and lateral boundaries in which the flow fluctuates.
The simpler bc_outflow
variant, outflow_type: pressure
, requires that the flow be a strict outflow (or the problem becomes ill-posed and the solver will diverge).
In our experience, riemann
is slightly less reflective but produces similar flows in cases of strict outflow.
The pressure
variant is retained to facilitate comparison with other codes, such as PHASTA-C, but we recommend riemann
for general use.
PETSc provides two ways to specify periodicity:
Topological periodicity, in which the donor and receiver dofs are the same, obtained using:
shape: box
box_faces: 10,12,4
box_bd: none,none,periodic
The coordinates for such cases are stored as a new field with special cell-based indexing to enable wrapping through the boundary. This choice of coordinates prevents evaluating boundary integrals that cross the periodicity, such as for the outflow Riemann problem in the presence of spanwise periodicity.
Isoperiodicity, in which the donor and receiver dofs are distinct in local vectors. This is obtained using
, as in:
shape: zbox
box_faces: 10,12,4
box_bd: none,none,periodic
Isoperiodicity enables standard boundary integrals, and is recommended for general use.
At the time of this writing, it only supports one direction of periodicity.
The zbox
method uses Z-ordering to construct the mesh in parallel and provide an adequate initial partition, which makes it higher performance and avoids needing a partitioning package.
There is a reduced mode for pure advection, which holds density \(\rho\) and momentum density \(\rho \bm u\) constant while advecting “total energy density” \(E\). The advection problems can be run in both 2D and 3D, based on the DM defined for the problem. The following additional command-line options are available:
Option |
Description |
Default value |
Unit |
1 meter in scaled length units |
1 second in scaled time units |
1 kilogram in scaled mass units |
Strong (1) or weak/integrated by parts (0) residual |
Stabilization method ( |
Formulation for \(\tau\) in stabilization ( |
Scaling factor on the temporal portion of the \(\tau\) formulation |
Scaling factor on the advection portion of the \(\tau\) formulation |
\(P^2\) |
Scaling factor on the diffusion portion of the \(\tau\) formulation |
\(P^4\) |
Scale coefficient for stabilization tau (nondimensional) |
Wind type in Advection ( |
Constant wind vector when |
Diffusion coefficient |
Total energy of inflow wind when |
Initial condition type, ( |
For |
For |
For |
For |
\(2\pi\) |
For |
\(2\pi\) |
For |
\(1\) |
For 3D advection, an example of the rotation
mode can be run with:
./navierstokes -problem advection -dm_plex_box_faces 10,10,10 -dm_plex_dim 3 -dm_plex_box_lower 0,0,0 -dm_plex_box_upper 8000,8000,8000 -bc_wall 1,2,3,4,5,6 -wall_comps 4 -wind_type rotation -implicit -stab su
and the translation
mode with:
./navierstokes -problem advection -dm_plex_box_faces 10,10,10 -dm_plex_dim 3 -dm_plex_box_lower 0,0,0 -dm_plex_box_upper 8000,8000,8000 -wind_type translation -wind_translation .5,-1,0 -bc_inflow 1,2,3,4,5,6
For 2D advection, an example of the rotation
mode can be run with:
./navierstokes -problem advection -dm_plex_box_faces 20,20 -dm_plex_box_lower 0,0 -dm_plex_box_upper 1000,1000 -bc_wall 1,2,3,4 -wall_comps 4 -wind_type rotation -implicit -stab supg
and the translation
mode with:
./navierstokes -problem advection -dm_plex_box_faces 20,20 -dm_plex_box_lower 0,0 -dm_plex_box_upper 1000,1000 -units_meter 1e-4 -wind_type translation -wind_translation 1,-.5 -bc_inflow 1,2,3,4
Note the lengths in -dm_plex_box_upper
are given in meters, and will be nondimensionalized according to -units_meter
Inviscid Ideal Gas¶
Isentropic Euler vortex¶
For the Isentropic Vortex problem, the following additional command-line options are available:
Option |
Description |
Default value |
Unit |
Location of vortex center |
1 meter in scaled length units |
1 second in scaled time units |
Background velocity vector |
Strength of vortex < 10 |
Stabilization constant |
This problem can be run with:
./navierstokes -problem euler_vortex -dm_plex_box_faces 20,20,1 -dm_plex_box_lower 0,0,0 -dm_plex_box_upper 1000,1000,50 -dm_plex_dim 3 -bc_inflow 4,6 -bc_outflow 3,5 -bc_symmetry_z 1,2 -mean_velocity .5,-.8,0.
Sod shock tube¶
For the Shock Tube problem, the following additional command-line options are available:
Option |
Description |
Default value |
Unit |
1 meter in scaled length units |
1 second in scaled time units |
Use YZB discontinuity capturing |
Stabilization method ( |
This problem can be run with:
./navierstokes -problem shocktube -yzb -stab su -bc_symmetry_z 3,4 -bc_symmetry_y 1,2 -bc_wall 5,6 -dm_plex_dim 3 -dm_plex_box_lower 0,0,0 -dm_plex_box_upper 1000,100,100 -dm_plex_box_faces 200,1,1 -units_second 0.1
Newtonian viscosity, Ideal Gas¶
For the Density Current, Channel, and Blasius problems, the following common command-line options are available:
Option |
Description |
Default value |
Unit |
1 meter in scaled length units |
1 second in scaled time units |
1 kilogram in scaled mass units |
1 Kelvin in scaled temperature units |
Stabilization method ( |
Stabilization constant, \(c_\tau\) |
Stabilization time constant, \(C_t\) |
Stabilization viscous constant, \(C_v\) |
Stabilization continuity constant, \(C_c\) |
Stabilization momentum constant, \(C_m\) |
Stabilization energy constant, \(C_E\) |
Method used to calculate divergence of diffusive flux projection ( |
Control the KSP object for the projection of the divergence of diffusive flux |
N/A |
Heat capacity at constant volume |
Heat capacity at constant pressure |
Gravitational acceleration vector |
Stokes hypothesis second viscosity coefficient |
Shear dynamic viscosity coefficient |
Thermal conductivity |
Developer option to test properties |
boolean |
State variables to solve solution with. |
string |
Characteristic timescale of the pressure deviance decay. The timestep is good starting point |
Start of IDL in the x direction |
Length of IDL in the positive x direction |
Pressure used for IDL reference pressure |
Type of subgrid stress model to use. Currently only |
string |
Slope parameter for Leaky ReLU activation function. |
0 |
Path to directory with data-driven model parameters (weights, biases, etc.) |
string |
Which computational implementation to use for SGS DD model ( |
string |
Path to the PyTorch |
string |
What hardware to perform the model inference on ( |
Default matches the libCEED backend |
string |
Enable differential filter TSMonitor |
boolean |
Use filter width based on the grid size |
boolean |
Anisotropic scaling for filter width in wall-aligned coordinates (snz) |
Scaling to make differential kernel size equivalent to other filter kernels |
Damping function to use at the wall for anisotropic filtering ( |
string |
Constant for the wall-damping function. \(A^+\) for |
25 |
Friction length associated with the flow, \(\delta_\nu\). Used in wall-damping functions |
0 |
Whether to enable in situ training of data-driven SGS model. Require building with SmartRedis. |
boolean |
Number of timesteps between writing training data into SmartRedis database |
Whether new training data should overwrite old data on database |
boolean |
List of scalar values for different filter widths to calculate for training data |
Number of MPI ranks associated with each collocated database (i.e. ranks per node) |
Gaussian Wave¶
The Gaussian wave problem has the following command-line options in addition to the Newtonian Ideal Gas options:
Option |
Description |
Default value |
Unit |
Riemann solver for boundaries (HLL or HLLC) |
Freestream velocity vector |
Freestream temperature |
Freestream pressure |
Coordinates of center of perturbation |
Amplitude of the perturbation |
Width parameter of the perturbation |
This problem can be run with the examples/gaussianwave.yaml
file via:
./build/navierstokes -options_file examples/gaussianwave.yaml
problem: gaussian_wave
mu: 0 # Effectively solving Euler momentum equations
dm_plex_box_faces: 40,40,1
dm_plex_box_upper: 1,1,0.025
dm_plex_box_lower: 0,0,0
dm_plex_dim: 3
bc_freestream: 4,6,3,5
bc_symmetry_z: 1,2
temperature: 0.25
pressure: 71.75
# riemann: hll # causes thermal bubble to reflect acoustic waves from boundary
velocity: 2,2,0
epicenter: 0.33,0.75,0
amplitude: 2
width: 0.05
adapt_type: none
max_steps: 100
dt: 2e-3
type: alpha
#monitor_solution: cgns:nwave.cgns
#monitor_solution_interval: 10
implicit: true
stab: supg
state_var: primitive
snes_rtol: 1e-4
ksp_rtol: 1e-2
snes_lag_jacobian: 20
## Demonstrate acoustic wave dissipation using an internal damping layer
# idl:
# decay_time: 2e-3
# start: 0
# length: .25
Vortex Shedding - Flow past Cylinder¶
The vortex shedding, flow past cylinder problem has the following command-line options in addition to the Newtonian Ideal Gas options:
Option |
Description |
Default value |
Unit |
Freestream velocity vector |
Freestream temperature |
Freestream pressure |
The initial condition is taken from -reference_temperature
and -reference_pressure
To run this problem, first generate a mesh:
$ make -C examples/meshes
Then run by building the executable and running:
$ make -j
$ mpiexec -n 6 build/navierstokes -options_file examples/vortexshedding.yaml -{ts,snes}_monitor_
The vortex shedding period is roughly 5.6 and this problem runs until time 100 (2000 time steps).
The above run writes a file named force.csv
(see ts_monitor_wall_force
in examples/vortexshedding.yaml
), which can be postprocessed by running to create a figure showing lift and drag coefficients over time.
$ python postprocess/
problem: newtonian
# Time Stepping Settings
implicit: true
stab: supg
checkpoint_interval: 10
adapt_type: 'none'
type: alpha
dt: .05
max_time: 100
alpha_radius: 0.5
monitor_solution: cgns:vortexshedding-q3-g1-n08.cgns
monitor_solution_interval: 5
monitor_wall_force: ascii:force.csv:ascii_csv
# Reference state is used for the initial condition, zero velocity by default.
# This choice of pressure and temperature have a density of 1 and acoustic speed
# of 100. With velocity 1, this flow is Mach 0.01.
pressure: 7143
temperature: 24.92
# If the the outflow is placed close to the cylinder, this will recirculate cold
# fluid, demonstrating how the outflow BC is stable despite recirculation.
temperature: 20
# Freestream inherits reference state as default
velocity: 1,0,0
# Small gravity vector to break symmetry so shedding can start
gravity: 0,-.01,0
# viscosity corresponds to Reynolds number 100
mu: 0.01
k: 14.34 # thermal conductivity, Pr = 0.71 typical of air
## DM Settings:
degree: 3
dm_plex_filename: examples/meshes/cylinder-q1-n08.msh
# Boundary Settings
bc_symmetry_z: 6
bc_wall: 5
bc_freestream: 1
bc_outflow: 2
bc_symmetry_y: 3,4
wall_comps: 1,2,3
# Primitive variables are preferred at low Mach number
state_var: primitive
snes_lag_jacobian: 20
#ksp_type: bcgsl
#pc_type: vpbjacobi
amat_type: shell
Density current¶
The Density Current problem has the following command-line options in addition to the Newtonian Ideal Gas options:
Option |
Description |
Default value |
Unit |
Location of bubble center |
Axis of density current cylindrical anomaly, or |
Characteristic radius of thermal bubble |
Reference potential temperature |
Perturbation of potential temperature |
Atmospheric pressure |
Brunt-Vaisala frequency |
This problem can be run with:
./navierstokes -problem density_current -dm_plex_box_faces 16,1,8 -degree 1 -dm_plex_box_lower 0,0,0 -dm_plex_box_upper 2000,125,1000 -dm_plex_dim 3 -rc 400. -bc_wall 1,2,5,6 -wall_comps 1,2,3 -bc_symmetry_y 3,4 -mu 75
Channel flow¶
The Channel problem has the following command-line options in addition to the Newtonian Ideal Gas options:
Option |
Description |
Default value |
Unit |
Maximum/centerline velocity of the flow |
Reference potential temperature |
Atmospheric pressure |
Multiplier for body force ( |
1 |
This problem can be run with the examples/channel.yaml
file via:
./build/navierstokes -options_file examples/channel.yaml
problem: 'channel'
mu: .01
umax: 40
implicit: true
type: 'beuler'
adapt_type: 'none'
dt: 5e-6
q_extra: 2
dm_plex_box_lower: 0,0,0
dm_plex_box_upper: .01,.01,.001
dm_plex_dim: 3
degree: 1
dm_plex_box_faces: 10,10,1
bc_symmetry_z: 1,2
bc_wall: 3,4
wall_comps: 1,2,3
dm_plex_box_bd: 'periodic,none,none'
Blasius boundary layer¶
The Blasius problem has the following command-line options in addition to the Newtonian Ideal Gas options:
Option |
Description |
Default value |
Unit |
Freestream velocity |
Freestream temperature |
Atmospheric pressure, also sets IDL reference pressure |
Wall temperature |
Boundary layer height at the inflow |
Whether to modify the mesh using the given options below. |
Height at which |
Number of elements to keep below |
Growth rate of the elements in the refinement region |
Downward angle of the top face of the domain. This face serves as an outlet. |
Path to file with y node locations. If empty, will use mesh warping instead. |
Whether to use STG for the inflow conditions |
Number of Chebyshev terms |
Prefix for Chebyshev snes solve |
This problem can be run with the examples/blasius.yaml
file via:
./build/navierstokes -options_file examples/blasius.yaml
problem: 'blasius'
implicit: true
adapt_type: 'none'
type: 'beuler'
dt: 2e-6
max_time: 1.0e-3
#monitor_solution: cgns:blasius-%d.cgns
#monitor_solution_interval: 10
checkpoint_interval: 10
## Linear Settings:
degree: 1
dm_plex_box_faces: 40,60,1
mesh_transform: platemesh
platemesh_nDelta: 45
# # Quadratic Settings:
# degree: 2
# dm_plex_box_faces: 20,30,1
# platemesh:
# modify_mesh: true
# nDelta: 22
# growth: 1.1664 # 1.08^2
stab: 'supg'
dm_plex_box_lower: 0,0,0
dm_plex_box_upper: 4.2e-3,4.2e-3,5.e-5
dm_plex_dim: 3
# Faces labeled 1=z- 2=z+ 3=y- 4=y+ 5=x+ 6=x-
bc_symmetry_z: 1,2
bc_wall: 3
wall_comps: 1,2,3
bc_inflow: 6
bc_outflow: 5,4
gravity: 0,0,0
# stg:
# use: false
# inflow_path: "./STGInflow_blasius.dat"
# mean_only: true
# ts_monitor_turbulence_spanstats:
# collect_interval: 1
# viewer_interval: 5
# viewer: cgns:stats-%d.cgns
# viewer_cgns_batch_size: 1
STG Inflow for Flat Plate¶
Using the STG Inflow for the blasius problem adds the following command-line options:
Option |
Description |
Default value |
Unit |
Path to the STGInflow file |
Path to the STGRand file |
Growth rate of the wavemodes |
Convective velocity, \(U_0\) |
Only impose the mean velocity (no fluctutations) |
Strongly enforce the STG inflow boundary condition |
“Extrude” the fluctuations through the domain as an initial condition |
Set the element size in the x direction. Default is calculated for box meshes, assuming equispaced elements. |
Scale element size for cutoff frequency calculation |
\(1/p\) |
This problem can be run with the examples/blasius.yaml
file via:
./build/navierstokes -options_file examples/blasius.yaml -stg_use true
Note the added -stg_use true
This overrides the stg: use: false
setting in the examples/blasius.yaml
file, enabling the use of the STG inflow.